Monthly Archives: April 2014

No Diet-Day Hypnosis Challenge!

Do you know why diets fail?

I tell you why,
because they create a yo-yo effect 
after the diet has ended.

most diets trigger the body 
and actually put on kilos.

Because psychologically,
when you deny yourself food,
your body starts thinking:
“oh there’s not enough around, 

I best take care of this now”.

Some people say:
“Well, people who are overweight
just have no self-control.”

Well studies show the opposite.

these people who are going about it
THE WRONG WAY are triggering a
negative cycle inside their mind,
so that they’re hormones become imbalanced,
and they left in a place where it
really isn’t their own fault, but rather,
it’s just that they were in unlucky circumstances.

I really want to help those people in
“reversing” those things.

So they don’t feel they are “stuck” in reverse…

Ever again.

With my No Diet-Day Hypnosis Challenge!

An open letter from my client about my very own
weight loss hypnosis program:

“So far so good.

I wouldn’t say that I was sceptical,
but I wasn’t sure how my “rational mind”
might respond to hypnotherapy.

Having you take the time to respond to my
initial enquiry to explain how the program worked
certainly helped with any uncertainty.

I have enjoyed the sessions themselves.

You are very easy to talk to and I felt safe
and comfortable right from the start.

Sometimes the amount of information
given in the sessions was a bit daunting,
so having the notes that you sent afterward
was certainly helpful in reinforcing the messages
you had put in my head.

I have also enjoyed the process of
working out what my unconscious mind does
and how it affects my behaviours.

At times it’s been like I’ve been watching
from a distance and when I see myself
doing something counterproductive,
acknowledging it and saying
“I see what you’re doing there”.

At other times I have just become aware of
something that I have stopped doing,
but not been able to pinpoint when
I stopped doing it, like eating chocolate biscuits
or ice-cream.

So far I think that the sessions have helped me
with my goals in two ways. 

The first was that I felt empowered to set them,

and that my own desire
for weight loss was important enough for own
self confidence for me to actually
commit to them.

Secondly, the results.

I can see already that bit by bit I am making headway,
and that it can work if I stick to it.

I’m excited to see too how this program impacts
on other aspects of my life.
I’ve already noticed the boost to my self-confidence
and am sure that will help me to overcome
my reluctance to jump at opportunities as they arise,
such as work related
opportunities or personal interactions.



So that’s the No Diet-Day Hypnosis Challenge.

I’ve lost 12kg using this method 
without losing my mind such as with dieting.  

Are you game?

Then click HERE.

And get started :)

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

The story of “Spirit”

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Making a “life-change” a habit with hypnotherapy

Imagine eating a fancy dinner 

with the finest foods and beverages 

every day. 

It may feel a bit odd, at first, 

but you’d probably get used to it 

fairly fast. 

I imagine you’d even begin to 

enjoy it and look forward to it. 

You know what? 

Listening to my “habit-breaking”
mp3 every day for 2 weeks 
is kind of like
eating a fancy 
dinner daily. 

It may feel odd at first…

But what feels uncomfortable at 

first can quickly become a very 

pleasant experience.

In fact,

a rewarding experience

An experience you look forward 

to each and every day.

Because you know it’s a “labour of love”.

Listening by hearing, 
learning by reading, and changing
by committing yourself on a daily basis
become as gratifying as biting into 

a perfectly cooked filet mignon… 

or a savoury stuffed-mushroom brushed 

with truffle infused olive oil. 

Here’s what Michael had to say about my 
“Easy Ways 4 Breaking Habits” mp3 recording:
Enough is enough.

thinking about breaking my habit
was quite negative for me and I was opposed to 

feeling negative and just about had enough of it. 
Thats’s all well and good but I thought to myself
what are you 
going to do about it?

The clearing to the forest is you saying
“get to work.”

The secret to make a
change of habit in your life
is that you must begin 
to make
a habit of changing.

So why not begin breaking today

with hypnotherapy? 

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

The story of “Spirit”

Stop Sign with Smoke on the Side

A Word on your Destiny…

I remember reading a
compelling message 
Mahatma Gandhi
had on habits and destiny:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

Your beliefs, thoughts, words and actions,
all lead to habits.
And habits determine your values and destiny.

one must be careful of what kind of
habit they entertain in their lives.

chocolate indulging,
alcohol addiction,
gambling addiction,

are all bad habits we tend to grip with.

psychologist and writer Patricia Farell
gives hope to anyone battling with bad habits.

She wrote this:

“The more you do it,
the more difficult it is to get rid of it, 

but every single bad habit

I remember,
at one stage in my life,
I had many addictions…

Thankfully all of them are ceased.

Actually, that’s not entirely true… 

All but one that is…


My only addiction now is helping you…

Succeed in breaking yours.

I believe I have an approach that successfully
works in breaking bad habits 
like toothpicks and adopt new healthy habits
that help you reach your goals.

Aside form that, yes,
breaking some bad habits
may take time and effort,
but mostly it takes perseverance.

Always remember that some people
who end up breaking their bad habits
try and fail multiple times BEFORE
they make it work.

You might not have success right away,
but that does not mean you cannot
or would not have it at all.

You have to believe in yourself.

You have to believe in your power
to fashion your realities
to the way you want it to be.

Remember the words of Buddha:

“We are shaped by our thoughts…
We become what we THINK.”

So if the mind has the power to
construct those realities, and generate
certain outcomes in life, it makes me wonder…

What are yours?

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

The story of “Spirit”


This Will Make You Feel Loved

Have you ever had a moment where 
you found yourself being in love,
and it was 
literally breathtaking?

Perhaps it was walking down the aisle,
or holding a baby for the first time,
or maybe, the long absence of that one person
and seeing them once again… 

Well recently,
I was listening to a couple tracks by an award winning
New Zealand composer “Rhian Sheehan”,
and this first track, did exactly that for me.

Take a listen HERE.
It is quite literally breathtaking.

The second track of these was
just as POWERFUL
but in a different kind of way.

Upon listening to the second one,
something dawned on me…

The feeling I felt reminded me…reminded me
of what it felt like to lose yourself in love.
It might be worth your while to
have a listen to it. Whenever you want
to lose yourself by immersing your mind
in this beautiful soul-soothing piece of
“mood music”, c
lick HERE and let yourself go.

But that’s not the only reason why I am
you to read this

See, life,
has its own way of 
removing certainty,
removing choices, like stripping clothes
off our bare bodies and leaving us exposed
and vulnerable.

We feel lost.
We feel helpless.

Whilst we always seek to “lose ourselves in love”,
we hide from the world when we “lose that love”.

And in the midst of this confusion,
this dense fog through the wilderness,
we can’t see through it.

We’re at a loss.
We feel lost because of this loss.

Well, I just wanted you to know something:
It’s OK to feel lost sometimes. 

Just okay.

Because right now as your reading this,
each one of us, has at least one person
that loves us.

Whether you are aware of it or not,
does not change the fact that it’s true.

So love in its purest and truest form
is always available to us.

Therefore it can never be lost.

But what about when love it taken away,
when the relationship has prematurely ended?

Well, each one of us, at some point,
have been in love.

it may not have been your decision entirely,
or maybe it was made for all best
intentional purposes, the relationship
has now ceased.

Yes, they may have the power to take any
future contact away from you…
But, they are incapable of taking
your love away that you still feel for them.

Allow me to repeat this:
Although it’s ended, you love for them is 
never-ending, it’s infinite.

And to the extent you are still capable
of remembering the relationship the way it was,
it’s how you remember it, that will allow you to
always have one with that person.

Once you realise this,
you can never be truly lost.

Because whenever you think of that special
person, that person you truly love,
they will always find you.

No matter how far gone they are,
or how long it’s been,
they will always be there

Through your thoughts,
your memories.

Because you are worth
being remembered for…you are worth being
searched for… and most importantly…

You are worth being loved.

And feeling that emotion will always…
be breathtaking.

Once you realise this,
you’ll discover, there is no absence of love,
but rather, an abundance of it.

To you losing yourself in love,

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist
0432 548 417

P.S. I encourage you to share this,
to those who may feel they have lost that love,
and may those regain it back, once again,
through you…

NEW Discounted Skype Sessions
Less expense to you at no expense
in getting the result
 for you

Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:
Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy in Action:

The story of “Spirit”


Taking ACTION with Weight Loss Hypnosis

I wanted to share my thoughts
about taking weight-loss action
and doing so now with hypnosis.


Because taking action is the only
sure-fire path to success in life.

you can wait and hope that
one day, the world will give you
what you want.

you can go out there and
give you what you want.

Think of it like looking
into a pond.

All the wishing in the world,
will not put any ripples into it.

If you wait for long enough,
perhaps a breeze will come along.

And start rippling the surface of 
the water for you. 

you can take a pebble, 
and flick it into the pond, and watch
the ripples arise

“taking action” is not the same thing 
as taking “blind action.”

Just jumping into something without
any idea or plan is not always a recipe
for success.


I believe I have a recipe for
weight-loss success.

My 5-session weight loss hypnosis program
will help you to plan, and execute the
actions, that will take you to success
in dropping off weight.

I have dropped over 12 kg in using
this new weight loss hypnosis program.

It changes your whole relationship to:

food, exercise, and emotional triggers.

Not too mention Self-Esteem…

My weight loss program aligns your
conscious (willpower)
and your unconscious mind.

Because if there’s a conflict
between the two,
then it’s the equivalent of paddling a boat
and eventually your muscles will tire out and
you lose the will to care anymore.

That’s when the boat tips over the waterfall 
and YOU plunge straight into that fridge

eating that delicious chocolate cake.

All you have to do is email me or
call me.

And I will do my level best to cause
ripples of positive change in your life.

As a side note…
People are wanting to change,
but they are too afraid of changing.

This happens time and time again.
I can understand there is fear of the
unknown etc…

But if you jump in with both feet,
you will then position yourself to find
balance throughout the whole experience.

I will “hold your hand” every step
along the way.

Click HERE to find out more or
call me directly.

Because picking up the phone
is the equivalent of
picking up that pebble.

To your weight-loss success,

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

Ask about my NEW 
Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

The story of “Spirit”

0432 548 417

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss