Hypnotherapy For Smoking

Hypnosis is often confused with ‘magic’ or as a tool used, by hypnotherapists, to convince people to reveal their secrets. This is an inaccurate and untrue assumption and, despite popular belief, it is a state that a certified hypnotherapist would induce to help you quit a habit or to develop one. A person who is hypnotised may appear to be in a state of trance, they can be highly focussed in that state. Research shows that a person, when hypnotised, is subject to higher neurological activity. Yet, a person could still be aware of their surroundings and the sounds around them.

Hypnosis is, as referred by C. Roy Hunter in The Art of Hypnosis: Mastering Basic Techniques, a natural state and one that we’re in when we read, watch a movie or even listen to songs that we like and enjoy. People undergo hypnotism for various reasons. Some opt for it to deal with emotional trauma and addictions of all sorts. Hypnotherapy for smoking, for instance, has proven to be a very effective tool that has enabled many to break the habit. What a certified clinical hypnotherapist does is that he or she merely nudges a patient in the ‘right’ direction so they are capable of achieving their goals. The client is well-aware and informed of the process so that he or she is ready to achieve his or her goals.

So, what exactly happens where hypnotherapy for smoking is concerned? Well, by getting you into a state of trance a hypnotherapist enables you to explore your subconscious mind and spot factors that might have affected you in a manner that you felt the need to resort to smoking. A certified hypnotherapist would usually install the idea that a person who is currently reliant on smoking, does not smoke and such treatments usually show great results within 6 weeks.

And with Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy, that quit smoking hypnosis treatment is usually only one session. Contact Marco if you’re wanting to see a hypnotherapist in Melbourne and find out how that treatment can work for you.


Robert’s story…

I thought I share some feedback I received

from a client who had been battling his

gambling addiction for years.

It reads:

“My experience with the gambling program

has been so positive, and changed my life

in such a good way I strongly recommend

it to anyone who knows deep down their gambling

is becoming a problem.

“For the last 8 months I have been living

pay check to pay check while making sure

all my bills were payed the rest I’d gambled,

until I went through the program it has been

only one week but already I have $500

in my account I wouldn’t normally have.

“After the program I have not had a

thought of gambling its not even on my to-do-list

its like my mind doesn’t know what it is anymore

“Although being early days I think the program

is going to go a long way in accomplishing my goals

as the obvious reason would  be a lot more money

in my bank account, which will enable me to

reach my goals of travelling and getting married.

“I’d also like to talk about the long term goals of being

happily married and not having to lie

about where money is being spent and having kids

where there’s always going be food on the table and

clothes on their back.

“Being a gambler I’ve seen where

some end up and it’s not a good place:

Divorce, visiting your kids on weekends… 

hence the reason I made the choice to do the program

is a long term goal of being a non gambler

and a provider for my family.  

“I think the best way to answer, 

was it worth the money I paid,

would be to picture yourself in a boat

in the middle of an ocean

your standing there and in your hand

you have a 1 litre bottle of water,

the bottle signifies the payment I paid

for the program in comparison to the ocean

of money over a lifetime I’d loose.

It definitely was worth the money I paid for it.”

I would definitely recommend the program

to anyone struggling with gambling.” 


There’s a message within all of this:

Like Robert, you could be “going a long way

in accomplishing your goals” by reaching

your own pursuit of happiness.


Well, Robert invested in 4 sessions

of hypnotherapy.

You do NOT need to invest 4 sessions in

beginning the process of change.

All you need to do is start.

Just start.

Come to one session.

Listen to any recordings given to you.

Read any relevant material sent to you.

Even once.

The result: You can begin making very large

positive changes by getting more out of life than

you thought possible within a very short

period of time.

With my unique blend of hypnotherapy and

cognitive coaching, you can…

- beat a bad habit you’ve been fighting

- having a sense of personal control

- feel more calm and in-charge

- overcome resistance and procrastination

- realise your full potential

You can even help someone else in making 

a BIG CHANGE by sending this email to them.

Whatever the case may be.

Be like Robert.

Invest in yourself.

The return will be more than worth it!

Marco – MCH

I just had to share this with you…

Once there was a person of

authority, high up in her field.

She had a condition.

And she suffered terribly.

It was eating her

from the “inside out”.

Nobody knew

what she was going through,

but they felt the brunt of her actions.

Relationships failed.

Investments collapsed.

And Josphine was drowning in a sea of debt.

Her mind constantly veered back

to the past thinking “all was lost.”

Then one day, after

reading my emails, she decided

that: It was time.

Because just as she realised that

all was lost in the past, she also

remembered that not all had been 


And was open to the possibility,

that her past…did not have to be

her future.

We spent some time together.

And after completing my Stop Gambling

Addiction Program, this is what she had to say:

I have been a chronic gambler for over 20 years. 

Over the years I have tried many programs

and different counsellors

with false hope and probably without the

commitment or real want to beat my habit. 

“I visited Marco with an open mind

and with a desire to get on top of the

disease that had controlled me

and infested my mind.  

“With Marco’s help I was able to

reprogram my mind.

Some simple exercises helped me

open my mind, clear it of its infestation and

install safety measures that help me cope

with my day to day pressures.

“I’m a realist,

I have to reprogram my mind every day and

keep faith in the practices Marco has taught me.

With Marco’s help I haven’t gambled

for over 40 days, that’s BIG for me.

“There are no miracles in curing any addiction,

I finally made the admission to myself that

I was a gambler and I took the necessary

measures to correct my behaviour.

“Marco helped me along the way by

listening not judging,

and giving advice and instruction that

helped me relax and focus on

correcting my past behaviours.

Take a deep breath,

open your mind and begin

your new journey.

My goals evolve around some simple needs.

I need to rebuild relationships,

re establish myself emotionally

and financially and look forward to some travel. 

“With Marco’s help I have been able to

commence the long journey to redemption.

“I’ve caused family and friends a lot

of grief over the years and I now

have the confidence to rebuild

my life and the relationships

with the people I hurt.

“The money I paid Marco is the best investment

I made in a long time.

The amount compared to the many thousands

I’ve blown over the years is insignificant.

The small investment I made in Marco

has already paid for itself many times over.

“I’m truly reaping the rewards.

I do recommend the program to others

that may feel there’s no hope. 

I’ve learned through Marco’s program

that there’s always a solution.

“In my case I was the solution.

“I needed to admit I had an addiction,

that I was in need of help and that

I was open to change no matter

the pain or anguish.

We all have the potential

to be better people. 

I know I want to be better.   

Thanks Marco”


We all have the potential

to be better people

Could not have said it better myself!


is untapped, and that’s


achieved in your life.

Many times over, people “give up”

on their dreams because they couldn’t

achieve a desired outcome in the period

of time they wanted it.

So they tell themselves

“it’s not realistic” to aim that high.

Such a shame.

What they don’t realise is,

realism is usually a FAR CRY of what’s


It’s not that they couldn’t

achieve the outcome they wanted.

They just didn’t know how…

You do.

And maybe it’s about time you

‘take a deep breath, open your mind

and begin your new journey’ too.

Rather than focussing exclusively

on the problem.

See the possibilities you have

all around you.

The potential that lies inside you.

So you too can rediscover, your

true purpose in life, and finally 

reap the rewards you deserve.

Marco – MCH

“Regret Proof” your life with hypnotherapy


There’s nothing worse than having regrets.

All too many people do though.

Especially in the autumn and winter years

of their life.

They think back on all the things

they could have done and should have


They wish they could “rewind the 

clock” and do things differently.

Do the things they put off.

Do the things they said ‘no’ to

out of fear.

Do the things they avoided because

of self-doubt and what “other people”

might say.

And do the things they would have

done if only they were confident enough

that everything would have turned out

for the better.

The fear of regret will 

always feel greater 

than the fear of failure 

or rejection.

The latter may feel like “sting” at first

but it dissipates quickly.

The former, however, is more like a

s-l-o-w burn” because it haunts you forever.

A special SHOUT to all you smokers 

reading this.

If there’s one speciality that I am

particularly good at, It’s helping

people quit smoking with hypnotherapy.

A client yesterday over SKYPE had a

mind blowing experience as the


BLEW OUT his smoking habit away

for good!

In fact, I am so certain of the outcome

that I’m willing to put myself on the line

by offering you a LIFETIME GUARANTEE 



If you ever struggle or relapse,

then I will FOOT THE BILL.

At no cost to you!

(Providing I am still in business and

still alive of course… ;)

Now what you do (or don’t do)

with this memo is entirely for

you to decide.

All I hope for you is by reading all these emails

prepares your mind to focus on

whatever that one thing is your meant

to be doing.

And begin it.

Right now.

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417


Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life.


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Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action

Live recording with a REAL volunteer:


Hypnosis for Stopping Smoking


“Defanging” The Hypnotherapist

I’m a hypnotherapist.

Not a vampire!

Although amusingly I have been

asked that before.

And there are people who are fearful

I’m going to sink my “hypnosis 

fangs” into their mind even if they

booked a hypnotherapy session.

Between you and me, that’s

silly sci-fi nonsense.

Some people’s fears are not

based on the reality of how hypnosis

actually works.

You know this.

I know this.

But some people don’t know this.

I’d thought I share some insights

into the way I conduct hypnosis

with a subject with a video I recorded

some time ago.

My very own “hypnosis in action” recorded

with a REAL volunteer who was willing

to be part of my hypnotic experiment.


all you need is proper “handling” BEFORE

you can guide them into a successful

hypnotic trance and help them produce

the inner change-work they ultimately want.

And their irrational fears can be diffused

by enabling a fearful person feel

comfortable (and safe enough) to relax

into a successful hypnotic session.

The video lasts 16 minutes.

And shows a typical arm levitation

using hypnosis.

But you don’t leave it hanging there.

Through the use of suggestion,

there is immense power in drawing

lessons from a unique experience.

See if you can spot it.

I’ve also added background music to

conduct” a more hypnotic experience.

So bring your “open mind” ticket with you

to watch a theatre of the mind production.

Take a look:

==>Through This “Doorway”<==

If you dare.

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417


Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life.


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Watch my video and be inspired:



Hannibal’s “boulder breaking” success

Over 2000 years ago, 
a famous General named Hannibal,
tried to bring his troops across the
snow-capped mountains i
n the winter.

He was stopped by giant

The whole army was ready 

to give up.

But he was not.

He looked at the circumstances,

with very different eyes.

Applying his understanding 

of the forces of nature.

Now I’m sure you have experienced

putting something hot into 

something cool a little too quickly –

a cup, a plate, a glass etc…

If the sudden temperature 

increased and decreased too soon,

they simply shatter.

And Hannibal knew this.

So he lit a fire underneath the rocks.

They were glowing with heat.

He then had whole army, 

throw wine skins and water onto 

the rocks to cool them down 

in an instant.

Within moments,

the rock shattered.

Life can be like that.

Obstacles that stop you

from progressing.

They can feel as big as a boulder, 

in the middle of your path.

Of course,

it will seem you can’t go around it.

Because it’s wedged right between 

two sides of a wall.

And it’s impossible to climb.

Because it’s so high up.

Looking at it from up close,

most people would even consider it


to move through this challenge.

But I’d like to share something very 

important with you:

No matter how big your problem is,

there is a solution

even if it’s not immediately apparent

right now.

Latest Coaching Feedback:

“It by FAR exceeded my expectations.”

“One year ago, just before I started the
program, I was getting close to being in the
worst mental state I had ever been. A year later,
I have never felt happier and connected 
to everything and everyone around me.”

About Relationships:

“This was great as it shifted the focus away
from me and onto others, however it gave me
a much greater understand of myself. This module
allowed me to to truly love the ones closest 
to me and understand how blessed I am
to have them around me.”

On Self Mastery:
“Yes, it met my expectations.  

It has made me so much more aware of how
I can control my life and hopefully can continue
to focus on me and my well being.”

Dealing with Stress:

“It helped me through a really tough time at work
and has made me realise that I’m stronger
than I give my credit for.

Final Words

“In conclusion, I would like to thank you Marco
for showing me how much potential I have
to have a great life ahead of me.

“I look forward to continuing with you
in the future.”

“Definitely exceeded my expectations.”
“You are very inspiring and deserve

the very best in your future endeavours…”

You can do it. 

(Whilst spots are still available.)

Adopt a mindset like Hannibal along with
my very own guidance of “hypno-coaching.”

Because there is no such thing such as 

“impossible obstacles.”

Only minds, 

that THINK they’re impossible.

And obstacles in your way will be revealed
as opportunities for your life.

It just takes a matter of perspective.

Change your point of view.

And everything can change.

To your boulder-breaking 
success this weekend,

 Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life.

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Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

Watch this space…

Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Ghost Hypnosis

What if you could help other people 

overcome their fears just 

by recommending hypnotherapy? 

It’s possible, you know. 

After all, if somebody can be

hypnotised so that he cannot see a 

person standing right in front of 


…then why can’t he also 

be hypnotised to no longer… 

“see” his fears? 

If you are anything like me, 

then you are most fascinated by 

those stories in which something 

amazing happens like… 

A person disappears from the 

room, then reappears. 

A person undergoes a major surgical 

operation without any anaesthetic. 

A subject follows the instructions 

of a hypnotist — yet doesn’t remember 

doing anything when he comes out of trance. 

Just this week,
I had one client who felt a “hand”
touch his shoulder 
– although nobody else
was visible in the room except for us.

And before you ask,
I was sitting metres away

Was it a ghost?

Who knows.

What I do know is he proceeded to “relax his rear” 
once he realised there was nothing to fear. 

Using hypnotherapy to “zap” people’s fears
is a very common thing for me.

And the “magic” of the mind on stage is a 
fascinating thing to witness. 

Yet, when you think about it,
it’s the use of hypnotherapy to help a 

person overcome a fear or phobia or 

addiction that is truly useful and beneficial. 

Or to help a person solve a difficult 

problem… overcome some emotional trauma… 

or find meaning and happiness where 

none could be found before. 

See, hypnosis is not just about 

impressing an audience – of course that is 

very important in establishing the BELIEF in 

the power of hypnosis – it’s also about 

helping people and being a positive 

force for change. 

And that “ghost hand” somehow managed to scare
40 year old smoking habit away

My latest feedback:

“The stop drinking program was very beneficial
in terms of changing my thought patterns and
help me focus on not touching Alcohol.

“It has given me more focus to start working
towards some of the goals that i was
procrastinating about whilst drinking.

“Absolutely, money well spent, I could have
drank that money over a weekend !!!

“I would love to help others one day and
this would be one of my 
to another person

Derek (teetotaler) 

So ask yourselfHow can I better 

use my hypnotic resources to 

help other people? 

The answer to that question may 

lead you to some interesting 

(and very rewarding) experiences.

That’s all from me today,

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life.

=>My LinkedIn Profile<=

Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

Watch this space…

Hypnotherapy for Stopping Smoking

Answers from the “Twilight” (with a Special Announcement!)

In this blog I am going to tell 

you about an intriguing study. 

Oh, and don’t forget to remind me to 

tell you about my special announcement 

and how it can all be tied-in to 

making you a better person. And better 

in the game of life as well.

The study first… 

I was recently reading about a study 

conducted on older people who were in 

the “twilight” of their lives. 

They were asked the question: 

“What do you wish you had done more 

of in your life?” 

Their answers were not what most people 

would expect. Here they are: 

1). Left More of a Legacy: 

In other words, they wish they’d done 

something or produced something that 

people will not only remember them by 

but be able to find use and value in 

after they’re gone. 

Almost like their parting gift to the 

world that follows after them. 

I guess we can all understand that one. But 

the next one that topped the answers is a 

little more surprising to most people: 

2). Reflected More: 

Hardly anyone “cordons off time in their 

day” to reflect more. 

Which is a shame. 

Because all the best ideas and insights 

swim up from the ocean-bed of reflection 


Also: You can never really know yourself 

unless you take time to be with yourself. 

I guess the older folks realised — too 

late in life — that they’d never really 

got to know themselves; to “stand back 

from their life” and actually look at 

what they wanted to do, what they wanted 

to be and how they wanted to live

Instead they (mostly) just went along 

with what they thought they HAD to do

Then they got busy and life… went by… 


I would like to suggest that some of 

the most valuable time you will ever 

encounter in life is when you give yourself 

permission to not be busybusybusy

Not being busy does NOT equal being lazy. 

Not being busy — or more specifically, when 

you give yourself time to reflect — allows 

you the “mental space” to get your bearings on 

life and gain the insights necessary to 

navigate your future better

And when you do go into action mode — you 

can invest the ideas and insights that came 

from your reflection time into being more 

effective at the actions you are taking. 

3). Gone After What They Wanted. 

Maybe this is more a symptom of #2 

above (Reflected More). 

See most people have an interest in 

things but never really follow it through 

with passion and purpose. 

Why is this? 

Well, maybe it’s because they allow 

themselves to get too busy and too 

distracted by life’s moment-by-moment activities. 

I don’t know what you’re passionate about. 

Honestly I don’t.

But since you’re receiving this message I 

guess one of those things is understanding
yourself and the world better.

In which case — if your future (older) 

self were talking to you now I guess, they’d 

be telling you to put your heart and soul 

into progressing yourself so you 

(in your twilight years) would know you 

didn’t waste the opportunity. 

Hence why I have decided to embark 

on a journey throughout the United States 

for an extended period beginning late August. 

In so doing, my daily emails will begin 

to slow down and pause during this period.

 The doors to my coaching program has

now closed with many of my other services 

will soon close for this period – but my mind 

and heart will be as open as ever… 

What about you?

Yes YOU.

How OPEN is your mind and heart as to:

*What legacy do you want to leave?

*What do you want to reflect more on?

And finally:


And will you make a decision to go 

all out there and get it?


Because you hear people wanting 

positive change in their lives, but don’t 

want to commit to the decision that 

allows that change to occur.

Sure, the decision doesn’t always 

guarantee the outcome you do want, 

I get that. 


The decision not to commit to a
decision will guarantee an 

And who wants that?

Not me.


Make your decision about your desires, 

wants and needs.

Commit to it.

Then make it happen.

And that’s it.


So I’ll finish up my little rant here.

And those are, of course, 

just my own little thoughts. 

Take from it what you will. 

And maybe reflect on it on all by 

yourself so you get your own “take” on it 

to recognise what truly matters to you.

Then maybe, just maybe

You’ll give yourself a shot before
life truly passes you by…

Thanks for reading,

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life.

=>My LinkedIn Profile<=

Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

Watch this space…

Ring MCH for Quitting Smoking

The “Magic Bullet” therapy

50 years ago,
President  John F. Kennedy
was assassinated.

The “magic bullet theory” is what theorists
describe how a single bullet that seemingly
zig-zagged and passed through
tough skin and dense bone in order to reach
it’s target.

many of my clients who experience
my version of hypnosis tell me of their own
“magical” experience.

Whilst it can feel magical,
it’s important to understand that
hypnosis is not magic.

The hypnosis community in general

have belied some of the realities on the


Here’s what I mean:

Somewhere along the lines this idea has crept

into our field,
that a hypnotherapist should
be able to resolve ALL PROBLEMS in one session
for an individual.

And that’s it.

The person is done and doesn’t need
any more help ever again.

Now whilst that is something worth striving for,

and with many issues,

it’s also very realistic in achieving that.

But they are some people,
and some issues,
simply require more time.

Now if a therapist is stuck in a frame of mind
that you can solve everything in 1 hour,
they are robbing some people of an important
part of their learning cycle. 

Which brings me to my next point:

Consistency is crucial.

I remember early on when I first started my
“Secrets to a Successful Life” coaching program.

I placed some clients on it thinking
they will improve as they continue with it.

But they didn’t.

Because they had stopped.

I don’t know if it was the invention of the
but we really have become a
“microwave” society.

It was the expectation of their whole
life to be turned on it’s head in such
a short period of time.

It seems like everyone nowadays wants

instant results.

Many people are wanting a single “magic bullet”
to change their life. Which I understand,

there’s emotional pain or a negative behaviour
you are wanting to change and you are at
your wits end.

by working with it and not
working against it, 
over time you will find a
positive change.

Initially it’s a subtle change,
but a POSITIVE CHANGE nonetheless.

And it INCREASES over time,
the more you stick at it.

Like any skill,
the more you do it…
…the better it is you get.

And it’s no different with problems.

One of the greatest therapist
of the last century was Dr. Milton Erickson.

It was he that said:
“Human beings are learning creatures,
and they have problems because they have
learned the

So people have become “skilled”
in maintaining their problems.

My goal, as a therapist and coach,
is to give you enough experiences from which
you learn the right things and then learn
to apply those experiences back to the

That is my goal with all my clients.
Because I truly believe that

Whilst I do not subscribe to the
one shot silver bullet
hypnosis session…

Amazing work can be achieved
in MINUTES with a client.

I prefer to work with someone
over a longer period.

There’s this old saying used by the U.S. military

which I quite like:

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

What this means is rushing into something
can be reckless, and get you into trouble.

Where else if you move slowly,
carefully, deliberate, and with poise,
you are truly moving as fast as you can
in the right direction.

Many thanks for “taking the time”
in reading this blog.

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Ask about my NEW:

Stop Smoking “Special Promotion”

Discounted Skype Sessions
Less expense to you at no expense
in getting the result
 for you

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Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

Watch this space…

Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy

No Diet-Day Hypnosis Challenge!

Do you know why diets fail?

I tell you why,
because they create a yo-yo effect 
after the diet has ended.

most diets trigger the body 
and actually put on kilos.

Because psychologically,
when you deny yourself food,
your body starts thinking:
“oh there’s not enough around, 

I best take care of this now”.

Some people say:
“Well, people who are overweight
just have no self-control.”

Well studies show the opposite.

these people who are going about it
THE WRONG WAY are triggering a
negative cycle inside their mind,
so that they’re hormones become imbalanced,
and they left in a place where it
really isn’t their own fault, but rather,
it’s just that they were in unlucky circumstances.

I really want to help those people in
“reversing” those things.

So they don’t feel they are “stuck” in reverse…

Ever again.

With my No Diet-Day Hypnosis Challenge!

An open letter from my client about my very own
weight loss hypnosis program:

“So far so good.

I wouldn’t say that I was sceptical,
but I wasn’t sure how my “rational mind”
might respond to hypnotherapy.

Having you take the time to respond to my
initial enquiry to explain how the program worked
certainly helped with any uncertainty.

I have enjoyed the sessions themselves.

You are very easy to talk to and I felt safe
and comfortable right from the start.

Sometimes the amount of information
given in the sessions was a bit daunting,
so having the notes that you sent afterward
was certainly helpful in reinforcing the messages
you had put in my head.

I have also enjoyed the process of
working out what my unconscious mind does
and how it affects my behaviours.

At times it’s been like I’ve been watching
from a distance and when I see myself
doing something counterproductive,
acknowledging it and saying
“I see what you’re doing there”.

At other times I have just become aware of
something that I have stopped doing,
but not been able to pinpoint when
I stopped doing it, like eating chocolate biscuits
or ice-cream.

So far I think that the sessions have helped me
with my goals in two ways. 

The first was that I felt empowered to set them,

and that my own desire
for weight loss was important enough for own
self confidence for me to actually
commit to them.

Secondly, the results.

I can see already that bit by bit I am making headway,
and that it can work if I stick to it.

I’m excited to see too how this program impacts
on other aspects of my life.
I’ve already noticed the boost to my self-confidence
and am sure that will help me to overcome
my reluctance to jump at opportunities as they arise,
such as work related
opportunities or personal interactions.



So that’s the No Diet-Day Hypnosis Challenge.

I’ve lost 12kg using this method 
without losing my mind such as with dieting.  

Are you game?

Then click HERE.

And get started :)

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

The story of “Spirit”

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss