Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Truth about Diets & Weight Loss Hypnosis

Have you even been on a diet?

One of the reasons why diets
don’t work is because it is based
on denial.

And because of that denial,
a person feels frustrated and that frustration
acts as a anticipation builder because
you couldn’t,
and when you can, you do more!

If a diet is based on denial,
then all you’re doing is building
psychological energy to do more
of the bad behaviour when the diet
is “finished.”

Diets make people fat.

Full stop.

There’s plenty of research
to demonstrate this.
Several studies have concluded that
people who attempt to diet run the risk
of getting fatter over the long run.

It’s not because they won’t necessarily
lose weight in the moment,
but it’s the fundamental attitude
that’s the problem.

A diet has an idea of a conclusion.

A goal or a destination.

To stay slim or fit is a lifestyle.

But as the cliché goes…
It’s about the journey, 

not the destination.

Those people who make it about the destination
will yoyo at best for the rest of their lives.

Most likely,
they’ll yoyo for a while,
give up and then balloon out
for the rest of their lives.

I am sorry for saying this, 

but that’s nature of how diets work.


they don’t work with human beings.

The ones that do succeed are the ones
that turn it into a lifestyle,
which is where they enjoy the whole journey.

But that requires a certain type of mindset.
One that is free from EMOTIONAL HANG-UPS
to adopt this lifestyle change.

It becomes just how they are and
part of what they’re doing.

And that’s is what I have exactly done
with my own:
Melbourne Cognitive Weight Loss Hypnosis

complete program that looks at YOU,

YOUR relationship to food

YOUR relationship to your body and

YOUR motivation towards exercise.

I have over dropped 10kgs using this method

and a significant amount of body fat.

It’s all about making changes here and there.

And those changes become a lifestyle.

You stop thinking it and you simply
become the person you want to be.

It works like “gangbusters.”

Find out more here:
Melbourne Cognitive Weight Loss Hypnosis

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach
Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

0432 548 417

P.S.This program looks at your emotional 
      relationship with food. Which is a HUGE
      factor with obesity. Diets are very quick
to tell you what to eat and what not to eat,
but maybe you could ask yourself:
      “What’s eating me?”
      Because when you identify the root of
emotional eating, you’ll understand why
you never feel full.
No amount of food will ever give you
emotional fulfilment. 

hypnotherapy for healthy life

“Motivational Words” for Weight Loss Hypnosis

In the book The Brothers Karamazov,
Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote,
“The mystery of human existence lies
not in just staying alive,
but in finding something to live for.” 

That “something” a person lives for
is their goal.

Others refer to it as a dream or an ambition.
No matter how one chooses to call it,
it is what keeps a person motivated.

Goals are essential in life.

Setting goals provide directions.

It sets one’s path.


having goals and realising these goals
are two different things and should not be
confused with each other.

Goal setting is the first step to attaining
a successful and quality life but the
realisation of these goals gives value
to a person’s existence.

It differentiates a successful person
from a mediocre one.

The great Maya Angelou wrote,
“All great achievements require time.”

Such is true.

Nothing is achieved overnight.
Especially great and excellent things.

It requires hard work, commitment,
dedication, desire and of course,

As Vince Lombardi once said,
“The quality of a man’s life is in
direct proportion to his commitment
to excellence, regardless of his
chosen field of endeavour.”

Thus, just wanting something, 
usually does not work.

Simply wanting is not enough

you must want something so strongly,
that you feel hunger for whatever it is
you desire.

Even Rashmi Bansal wrote these
famous words on entrepreneurship:

“Stay Hungry, stay foolish.”

As a result of this,
you will be motivated to compel and
overcome all obstacles 
just to achieve that one thing
you yearn for.

This is the kind of motivation that
successful people have.

It is what differentiates them
from the majority.

According to humanist psychologist
Abraham Maslow, actions of human beings
are motivated in order to achieve certain needs.

Maslow first introduced his concept
of a hierarchy of needs in his 1943 paper
“A Theory of Human Motivation”
and his subsequent book
Motivation and Personality.

This hierarchy suggests that people
are motivated to fulfil basic needs
before moving on to other,
more advanced needs.

But above all human needs,
is a need to be motivated and,
to stay motivated.

The famous motivational speaker
Zig Ziglar once stated this:
People often say
that motivation doesn’t last.
Well, neither does bathing -
that’s why we recommend it daily.”

I hope these
“motivational words” have helped you…

You can lift up the bonnet to reveal
the “engine” from my weight loss program:

Melbourne Cognitive Weight Loss Hypnosis.

It will provide the daily dose of
motivational fuel that
 every individual needs 

for losing weight.

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

Ask about my NEW 
Are you a finisher?

Watch my video and be inspired:

Hypnotherapy in Action:

The story of “Spirit”

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For Weight Loss Ring MCH

The Scars in Self-Esteem

Dr. Maxwell Maltz was a
New York cosmetic surgeon during
the sixties and early seventies.

He had worked with thousands of women
to improve the way they look. 

Nothing interesting about that.

Here’s where it does get interesting:

He discovered that after awhile these women
“didn’t feel right” with the way they looked
after the procedure.

At first, the doctor was at a lost.

Scars were healed and improvements
were clearly visible.

They got what they asked for.

But for some reason,
they were unhappy about it.

Now of course,
Dr. Maltz being the competent surgeon
as he was, decided to help by performing
additional plastic surgery (at the patients request).

The surgery was performed.
Improvements were made.
It was a success.

Weeks later,
the patient comes in.

Bandages still wrapped around
her head and face.
Doctor brings her over to the mirror,
and delicately rolls off the bandages.

The doctor asks: Well, what do you think now?”
The patient, pauses for a moment:
“Dunno doctor, it still 
does’t feel right.

She walks out…
The doctor, whilst being perplexed
about this interaction, concluded that
these women were ‘emotionally scared’.

No matter how many operations he performed
on them, it could never help.

Though the physical scars have healed
on those women, they had still ‘felt’ the scars
that won’t invincible.

Much like victims in traffic accidents,
who have a limb amputated in order to survive,
somehow feel pain in a limb that’s missing.

How do you remove physical pain from an
arm that’s not there?

how do you ‘give happiness’ to someone
whilst lying on a operating table?

This question remained with
Dr. Maltz for sometime.

And so, he made the transition from treating
the ‘outer-scars’, and heading towards
treating the ‘inner-scars’.

Taking off his surgical gloves,
and putting down his surgical instruments,
Maltz went to use his ‘voice’ as an instrument.
And pioneer his work through his ground-breaking

A book that elevated Dr. Maltz to being one of the
most in-demand motivational speakers
during that period.

The point?


People are looking for that ‘miracle cure’ 
to fix all their unhappiness and insecurities: 

Once I enhance the way I look,
then I can find that special someone.

Once I find that special someone,
then I be happy.

Once I am happy,
then I can love myself.

But you’re putting the equation
the wrong way around.

Once you love yourself,
THEN you will be happy,
THEN you will find that special someone
to share that happiness with you.

If you then choose to ‘fix’ a part about yourself,
then fixing it will only add towards your happiness,
rather than being dependent for it.

Just recently,
I read of Beth Whaanga from Brisbane
posting pictures of her surgery-scarred body
on Facebook following her ordeal
with breast cancer.

From doing this,
she had lost 100 friends within 24 hours.

Are people too blind to see
the naked truth?

When I was teenager,
I remember reading a book called 
‘The Little Prince’
by French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

There was one passage that really stood out for me.
To paraphrase:
“One sees clearly only with the heart,
what is essential is invincible to the eyes.”

The most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen, but rather they are touched,
and felt with the heart.

The great Albert Einstein, once said:
“They are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is though everything is a miracle.”  

If miracles are to be found ‘out there’,
then by definition it is also to be
discovered ‘inside’ oneself.

Once that discovery is made,
and appreciated, then you’ll discover
the miracle of all miracles:


Thanks for reading,

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

Are you a finisher?

Watch and be inspired:

Ask about my NEW 

0432 548 417

hypnotherapy for healthy life


Become a FINISHER with Hypnotherapy

Sometimes in life,

people find themselves in troubled waters.

Like an old sailor,

being washed overboard,

surrounded by the heavy seas.

At those times,

it may be difficult to see a way through it.

So I created this short video to give you
that sense of hope, that sense of possibility.

That a person can feel,

when they’re in the eye of the storm.

With hypnotherapy and cognitive coaching,

you can rediscover your true purpose

in life, renew your own inspiration,

and finding that source of strength,

that allows you to get on with things.

==>>Begin to believe<<==

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach
Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

Ask about my NEW 

0432 548 417


Gravity & the Hypnosis Experience


I took the liberty of watching this movie

when it was launched last year at the IMAX Theatre

sitting in the FRONT ROW.

Allow me to share something with you…
it was a sensory-overload.

A real visual-visceral tour de force.

It had so many themes, metaphors about life,
death, rebirth, grief, regret and letting go

things that go beyond the scope of this email.

there is one area I will focus on about Gravity:
Gravity. Or zero gravity rather.

Was struck me about the movie was how it put
you (the viewer) as the main protagonist
(Sandra Bullock) seeing the world through her
eyes, hearing through her ears, breathing
through her lungs.

Our planet comes alive with
lush colours and rich terrain.
Along with weather patterns, sunsets
and sunrises…earth is viewed as an
organic entity.

The music from the film also rocketed 
like a soundtrack to your own life.

The ups and the downs of emotions.

It’s amazing how an experience of a movie 

can take you on a journey of a lifetime,
through clusters of different emotions.

It’s no wonder Gravity pulled in 7 Oscars at the
86th Academy Awards in Los Angeles.

Does this remind you of anything?

Most of my clients experience some kind of
“hypnotic phenomenon” during hypnosis.

A feeling of weightlessness or extreme weight.

This could happen with their eyes close or

Their limbs can be stuck to their body, or even
dissolve, vanish, and floating again with their
eyes open or close.

They can feel “awake” as a mind but not as a
body. Meaning, they can casually talk to me in
trance whilst their body is doing “something
else.” It’s this interplay between the two that
fascinates me.

The way I go about it is very dynamic
and intuitive.

The feeling of gravity can also be used as a
metaphor for life. Think of someone you love
or care for.

Notice initially, 

where your attention goes, 

your energy flows in that direction.

As you think about them, 
something happens to your body. 

Your emotions change but nothing has changed
in the “real world.”

So in reality nothing is really happening,
but because the brain has been placed
in a different context, a “different world”,
something inside of you has changed
and you feel better.

It should not have any effect
on you at all. But it does.

Think about it

The person remains as distant
or as close as before.

However, the mere thinking of them effects
the brain in such a way that it convinces
the body that this experience is indeed “real.”

This person may not physically

be with you, but somehow you 
“feel” their presence.

This is the power of thought.

And harnessing this type of thinking
through my unique approach to
cognitive coaching and hypnotherapy
allows you to be elevated into a
higher orbit of success

Sometime ago,
I have filmed willing candidates to take

part of my “hypnotic experiments.”

Filming willing subjects will show viewers who
are intrigued, fascinated, pessimistic, afraid or
in awe of experiencing hypnosis for

Look out for these videos
in the future.

Great quote I heard recently:

“Hypnosis is not magic –
it just feels like it.”

Amen to that!

To your launch into success,

Marco – MCH

Personal Success Cognitive Coach
Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

Ask about my NEW 

0432 548 417

Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy